The duty to inform insured applies to insurance relationships,
- which are subject to compulsory insurance coverage in Austria, and
- for which the right of self-assessment is not exercised.
In contrast to the duty to inform the Tax Authority Austria, therefore, also the insured must be informed whose insurance relationships were already established before 1 January 2024.
The information to the insured must contain the following points:
- the obligation of the insured to pay the insurance tax to the Tax Authority Austria,
- the name of the insurer,
- the place of management or the registered office of the insurer or the third party to whom the insurance premium is paid,
- the policy number of the insurance contract,
- the object of the insurance,
- the insured sum,
- the duration of the insurance,
- the period for which the insurance premium is paid and the payment date of the insurance premium, and
- the amount of the insurance premium
The information to the insured must be provided in writing – in a language that the insured understands. The following deadlines must be observed for the duty to inform the insured:
The following deadlines must be observed for the duty to inform the insured:
1) An insurance relationship subject to the Austrian insurance tax is newly established after 31 December 2023: Information in the course of concluding the insurance contract , Example: Conclusion of a life insurance policy with a person resident in Austria on 1 February 2024: Information for the insured in the course of concluding the insurance contract
2) An insurance relationship subject to the Austrian insurance tax is newly established before 1 January 2024: Information by 31 August 2024 , Example: Conclusion of a life insurance policy with a person resident in Austria on 1 October 2023: Information to the insured by 31 August 2024
3) In case of an existing insurance relationship, which is also subject to the Austrian insurance tax liability, the insurer decides only later that it no longer wants to provide a self-assessment: immediate information from the date on which the insurer no longer provides the self-assessment, Example: Conclusion of a life insurance policy with a person resident in Austria on 1 February 2024 and self-assessment of the insurance tax by the insurer. As of 1 October 2026, however, the self-assessment on behalf of the insured is to be discontinued: Immediate information to the insured (as of 1 October 2026)
4) In the case of an existing insurance relationship, Austrian insurance tax is triggered at a later date by a change in the place where the risk is located: Information within 3 months from first applicability of the tax liability, Example: Conclusion of a life insurance policy with a person resident in a third country on 1 February 2024. Relocation of this person to Austria and payment of a premium on 1 April 2025: Information to the insured by 1 July 2025